22, 23 et 24 Octobre 2024
Buildings Bouygues et Eiffel
Proofreading of resumes and cover letters
During this workshop, you will be facing a human resources manager from a large company who will advise you on the formatting of your CV as well as on the elements of your career to highlight. Make sure you have a prepared CV so that you have something to talk about!
Case study
For those seeking internships in auditing or consulting, this workshop is a must! It will allow you to become familiar with case studies. This workshop is done in groups, the case study is done by the audit and consulting firms.
Interview simulation
Face à une ou plusieurs professionnels du recrutement, tu t'entraineras au déroulé d'entretiens.
Développement du réseau professionnel
Face à un professionnel d'entreprise, tu recevras des conseils sur la manière dont étendre ton réseau professionnel et en profiter.
Pitch workshop
Very useful for the Forum! This workshop is designed to teach you how to pitch yourself quickly in order to get internship interviews.
Comportement en entreprise
Face à un professionnel d'entreprise, tu recevras l'essentiel sur la manière dont se comporter dans un milieu professionnel.
Making the most of your associative life
In this workshop, led by the teachers in charge of the voluntary sector elective, you will learn how to make the most of your involvement in the voluntary sector in your interviews with recruiters. The workshop takes place in groups, so you can put what you have learned into practice by simulating interviews.
Lunches and coffee meetings
Si tu es sélectionné par l'entreprise, profite d'un moment privilégié autour d'un repas ou d'un café pour décrocher une proposition de stage, découvrir l'entreprise ou étendre ton réseau tout simplement !
Pour participer aux ateliers du BePrepared il faut être élève de CentraleSupelec. Si c’est la cas, c’est très simple !Télécharge l’application Forum CS et connecte-toi avec ton compte Viarezo. Ensuite attends le shotgun, tu pourras t’inscrire où tu veux (dans la limite des places disponibles) !
The first thing to remember is to only sign up for the workshops you can get to!
Out of respect for the companies that made the trip and especially for the students who would have liked to be in your place, you must give at least 2 hours notice of your unavailability. If you don't do this and we notice it, we reserve the right to assign your other workshop registrations to motivated and diligent students on the waiting list.
This event is intended to train you for the Forum and is not official. However, since the workshops are done by professionals, it is important to have a (very) neat outfit.